Codi Gramlich
Life Goes On
Codi Gramlich
The entire collection that I have chosen to share discusses little moments in life that leave a larger impact on the individuals who have experienced it. These small events that are very common amongst many individuals allow a wide range of people to connect and respond to the haiku I have produced. Many of the haiku relate to the title by expressing that although these events might hold us back, cause us pain, or allow us to remember a special moment, life will continue to go on and once again these topics will only be memories. I wanted to share with readers the most important memories in my life that I knew would also be relatable memories for these individuals. I love sharing my past with others and discussing how particular things affected me as a young child compared to my peers. I have chosen these haiku because I believe that they best portray the picture of my childhood, while also allowing my audience to become involved and share in the memories that the haiku can create.