Global Haiku • Fall 2013
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Morgan Oliver

resader response essay:

George Swede & Therapeutic Quality of Haiku

With Child-like Simplicity

Morgan Oliver

The most wonderful person I ever knew, and one of the greatest influences on my life taught me one thing (well, one of many): to always enjoy the simple things in life no matter the circumstances, to take each day for what it is, and to live with a child-like simplicity. That person was my father. My father died from cancer in 2008, but through every battle and every trial of illness, he still lived and breathed this motto. My collection of haiku is thus quite influenced by my father, his memory and the lessons he taught me. I hope that in sharing these haiku, I can offer someone a moment of breathing in the simple things.

the first of spring
our Christmas lights
still lit

holding hands
a leap of faith
into the ball pit

friday night
a drunken chorus
of bohemian rhapsody

Frank Sinatra
dancing with Daddy's ghost
wedding day

Led Zeppelin
the clash of drums
her lullaby


giving thanks
we only see them
once a year

past midnight
fighting monsters under her bed
a goodnight kiss

grave silence
the tombstone between
mother and daughter

morning light
the canyon awakens
her nightmare

family photo
the once familiar face
a stranger

Valentine's day
all the flower bouquets
dead come March

giving thanks
we only see them
once a year

we close our eyes
bow our heads
together at last

licking his face
the once small puppy
tastes Iraq

© 2013, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.