Global Haiku Tradition--Tan-Renga 2014


small bonfire
quiet conversation
welcomed into the family
firelight glints
off her new engagement ring


we haven't
even slept yet
textbooks and empty mugs
remnants of our all-nighter

labored breathing
climbing that mountain
two slow snails on a
journey of spiritual discovery

snack run
pistachio in my
no more money
in my wallet


raising a glass to
no one
warm moonlight
the old man smiles
picture of his dead wife

sitting by bags
holding my breath
I check my bank
seven dollars short
for the train ticket

stood up;
for some reason
I still smile
you're the sun, I'm the moon
—and it was dark at 5


I feel like a celebrity
every time
I go home
should I hand out

wrought iron
my father's
gruff embrace
we say our goodbyes
at the foot of her grave

lights dim
and the crowd cheers—
an electric strum
queen for the evening
applauded by adoration


a wink in class
her blush
reveals their secret
untold stories bubble underneath
the guard of tight lips

a wink in class
her blush
reveals their secret
stolen answers for the exam have
mistakes that lead to broken hearts

your name
only learnt
seconds before we kiss
at a party where
no one knows anyone





your name
only learnt
seconds before we kiss
fine in his eyes
but a mistake in mine

first date jitters
awkward laughing
I sit in the wrong car
thirty two years later,
we still laugh about it

© 2014, Randy Brooks • Millikin University • All rights returned to authors upon publication.