1 Matching Contest - Love or Not So Much
Fall 2015 • Millikin University
needing a word Derekah Williams |
I like you Aundrea Marsh |
your necklace Sierra Birdsell |
back and forth Alex Zalar |
I like you |
your necklace |
I like you top quarter champion |
TOP half Champion a deep breath
bottom quarter champion a deep breath |
summer sunset |
a deep breath |
summer sunset Alex Zalar |
streetlight glow Jeffrey Davis |
a deep breath Garrett Mayberry |
another cloudless sky. Nicholas Scarpinato |
TOP half champion a deep breath
the ocean waves
the ocean waves BOTTOM half champion |
your name Lauren Bartel |
smiling for no reason, Alex Zalar |
her name in the sand Jeffrey Davis |
the ocean waves Lauren Barte |
smiling for no reason, |
the ocean waves |
the ocean waves top quarter champion |
BOTTOM half champion the ocean waves
bottom quarter champion I danced |
best friends |
I danced |
Rubik’s cube Aundrea Marsh |
best friends Derekah Williams |
dance party for two Lauren Bartel |
I danced Sierra Birdsell |
© 2015, Randy Brooks Millikin University. All rights returned to authors upon publication.
my engine Nicholas Scarpinato |
home alone Garrett Mayberry |
rushing to class Aundrea Marsh |
the blonde Sierra Birdsell |
my engine |
the blonde |
my engine top champion |
Champion my engine
bottom champion a streetlamp shines |
a streetlamp shines |
from her parents |
actually having Sierra Birdsell |
a streetlamp shines Nicholas Scarpinato |
from her parents Derekah Williams |
“You make me Nicholas Scarpinato |
your name Lauren Bartel |
smiling for no reason, Alex Zalar |
These two were matched in our contest, and I liked the pairing so I chose it for my own comparison. They both convey they same feeling, but they get there in different ways. The haikus are talking about how it feels when you're in a relationship and you can't stop thinking about the other person, or the mention of their name makes you happy. It could be taking place at the beginning of the relationship, or just in the comfort of going steady. The structure of the haikus is very different. The first is more conventional, while the second is a little more creative. The slanting lines match the daydreaming feeling in the second one. They both have a break between lines, but the first one breaks after the second line, while the second haiku breaks after the first line. I think the word choice is similar between the two. Neither used huge words, but when the words together paint the right picture. Lauren
another cloudless sky. Nicholas Scarpinato |
streetlight glow Jeffrey Davis |
from her parents Derekah Williams |
“You make me Nicholas Scarpinato |
Reading these haiku gave me a similar feeling. The first is the sense of longing for the rain, while the second is the longing for the person walking away to turn around and come back. Both also start with a location/setting line. The top one seems more like a morning setting and the second is obviously a dusk/night setting. Aundrea |
I like this pair from the matching contest because they show both sides of love. The second one portrays an unconditional, old generation, innocent love between 2 people who have probably been married over 50 years. The first one portrays this generation's idea of love in my opinion. Nowadays people don't really know what true love is and end up marrying people for the wrong reasons. Courtney
ghostly dandelion seed Jeffrey Davis |
steel bars Aundrea Marsh |
These haiku go well together in my opinion. Both of these haiku seem to be about freedom in some way. The first haiku has a seemingly longing desire to be set free. The author wants to go for a ride and float on through life much like a dandelion seed floats in the breeze. The second haiku, however, represents a lack of freedom. The author is trapped inside some internal cage longing for escape. The author should look to the dandelions for freedom. Jeffrey
Other pairs (confinement, freedom & open topic):
skipping stones Nicholas Scarpinato |
poisoned apple Jeffrey Davis |
black and white ivory Jeffrey Davis |
I want to hold your hand Nicholas Scarpinato |
poisoned apple |
black and white ivory |
black and white ivory top champion |
Champion black and white ivory
bottom champion narrow hallways |
growing in corner |
narrow hallways |
comerunhideawayalone Jeffrey Davis |
growing in corner Nicholas Scarpinato |
high school cafeteria Derekah Williams |
narrow hallways Lauren Bartel |
contrary pairs & back page champion:
ghostly dandelion seed
floating in the breeze
take me for a ride
standing here Sierra Birdsell |
ghostly dandelion seed Jeffrey Davis |
Hakuna Matata Sierra Birdsell |
I want to hold your hand Nicholas Scarpinato |
ghostly dandelion seed |
Hakuna Matata |
ghostly dandelion seed top champion |
Champion ghostly dandelion seed
bottom champion the smaller version of myself |
the smaller version of myself |
the smaller version of myself Lauren Bartel |
steel bars Aundrea Marsh |