Global Haiku • Fall 2016
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Kaia Ball

Amber & Umber

Kaia Ball

I'm a enormous science geek with a love of the outdoors, which can cause some conflict when you live in the lab. Many nights find me pacing the neighborhood.This collection is an abstract representation of thoughts on a, say, twenty minute walk.

past midnight Tuesday morning
i take the long
              way home

pocket change
given enough time
warms my hands

under the overpass
i practice

Fine then!
I will be a dandelion,
Weed in name alone.

Love tastes like secrets.
Chocolate we hid until
her birthday.

he downs a glass
        of watery honey
too old, too young.

bare mattress
some things are better


i swap gossip
with chickadees

twin suns
glinting off
charred skeletons

beneath the luminous tree
under twin constellations
golden eyes open

feather dancing
lands on
muddy shoes

white skirt gathered up
she balances on
the outlaw’s handlebars

fresh scrubbed floors
dirtied with loose beads
tattered fabric

© 2016, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.