Health & Fitness Matching Contest - 1 - Fall 2017 • Millikin University

breathe in
breathe out
can't touch my toes

deep breath
in through the nose
out through the mouth

bright and early morning
warm coffee
yoga       calming

favorite part
about yoga

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top quarter champion


TOP half Chamption


bottom quarter champion

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hiking through
the woodland park—
kicking dusty pebbles

walking carefully
spring breeze

ran a mile
I deserve
ice cream

the spinach
the pizza and I:
staring competition


TOP half champion

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BOTTOM half champion

anxiety flutters in my chest
gym full
of athletic men

trying to stay focused
gym babe struts by
concentration lost

shaky legs push
through the final rep
drowning in my sweat

counting with each breath
beads of sweat
drip down my back

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top quarter champion


BOTTOM half champion


bottom quarter champion

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sweat dripping
body trembling
one more rep

arms tired
push through
one more set

rolls down my face
I walk into the gym

long practice
nap time
nope     conditioning day

© 2017, Randy Brooks • Millikin University. All rights returned to authors upon publication.