3 Matching Contest - Harvest Moon - Fall 2018 • Millikin University

harvest moon rises
the farmer
still in the field

big brass doorknob
in the sky
harvest moon

lily pads float
in the moon's reflection
summer night

late night
moonlight reflects
on a kiddy pool

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top quarter champion


TOP half Chamption


bottom quarter champion

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lying in the grass
only a glimmer of light
from the moon

rooftop conversation
quiet whispers between
you, me, and the moon

quiet evening
showering her face

lighting the night
a full moon shining
in your eyes


TOP half champion

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BOTTOM half champion

the dark night
she looks
to the moon

      lonely moon
a dark side harbored
          me too

he shadows
the light she holds
lunar eclipse

you blocked
my light     you were
my eclipse

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top quarter champion


BOTTOM half champion


bottom quarter champion

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moonlit dashboard
a torn 80 proof label under
a dangling dream catcher

cherry bomb
burns like a flame

beneath the covers
I feel moon's gentle kiss—

moon’s glow
we kiss goodbye
under her watch

© 2018, Randy Brooks • Millikin University. All rights returned to authors upon publication.






staring up at the moon
the child searches
for a face

moon child
longing for the light
in the pitch black sky

do you think we could go back
to the way it was before?

light of the moon
big sister whispers

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top back champion


© 2018, Randy Brooks • Millikin University. All rights returned to authors upon publication.