Global Haiku • Fall 2019
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Victoria Stuart

Blooming Haiku

Victoria Stuart

My haiku collection collects my best haiku written so far. My haiku writing skill and style will have room for improvement, so will be forever blooming. In addition to flower haiku, this collection features relationships bewteen lovers, family, and friends. Relationships are important to me, so I often incorporate related feelings into my poetry.

the hidden betrayal
dirty laundry

holding hands
in public

he tells me
it's real
a cornerstone of dirt

they said too little
or maybe too much
two houses now

pack up
drive on
you'll make new friends

the stars fade
behind misty clouds
our love

love today
gone tomorrow

wrinkled hand
I hold
        all night

flowers bloomed
even when
I wasn't here

of our relationship
knotted necklace

early Thanksgiving trot
3.1 miles
dad and daughter

gold ring
on a wrinkled hand
she remembers

powdered bruise
all my fault
he didn't mean it

kinked chain
I wear your
broken love

ears ringing
I lay my head
on the pillow

© 2019, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.