Global Haiku Tradition

Tan-Renga 2015

yellow paint
on my cheek—

makes me wash twice

Lindsey Williams & Jess Brooks

full bladder
I re-evaluate my plan
to sleep in

and re enter
my adventure

Jess Brooks & Alex Dorchinecz

one single strand of hair
he knows
she stopped by

to grab the rest of her belongings—
forever gone

Jess Brooks & Karlee VanDeVelde

she sinks
into the bubble bath—
alone at last

the stress of the day
f l o a t i n g a w a y

Tory Hennessey

blonde hair, blue eyes
dark basement
the wax house.

your hand in mine
longing for a kiss

Lindsey Williams

a bond under leaves
carved deep
in the old oak

a bond
created by two hearts

Dalton Kaufmann & Rachel Ives

lure deep down
i feel a tug
at the bottom of my heart

jaw clenching
she swallows her words

Alex Dorchinecz & Anna Marie

skinny jeans
inserting yourself
requires a jumping dance

each leg
one at a time

Jess Brooks & Simone Griffis

twirling across the floor
he holds her
into the night

her face glistens
from moon

Tory Hennessey & Simone Griffis





© 2015, Randy Brooks • Millikin University • All rights returned to authors upon publication.