Global Haiku • January 2021
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Nicholas Sablan




Whispers of Love

Nicholas Sablan

Hello my name is Nick Sablan I am a new poetic author from Las Vegas. I never thought an art that is so simple can impact a life in such a positive way. The Whispers of Love illuminates the warmth that comes off of the haiku. The inspiration I felt writing these love haiku actually comes from my significant other. I dedicate the title and haiku to her because the love I have behind me always opens up my eyes. I dedicate these to her to show her my appreciation as she is always in my corner.

the touch of her skin
when she turns over
at night

the glance of
her eyes . . .
gentle as a river's sound

the indents
in my bed
you left

from ear to ear
my soulmate

clothes & jewelry
my firiends

all of this plastic
when the sky

count the sheep
delete again

© 2021, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.