Global Haiku • July 2018
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Josh Mysliwiec

Let the Trees Speak

Josh Mysliwiec

My collection of haiku focuses on Nature. I have always had an undying appreciation for Mother Natures’ beauty. I always loved going on walks as a child with my aunt or grandma, or working in the yard with them. Making the most out of every trip, we would stay out as long as possible. In my later years the slowly lost their ability to take me on trips and as a high schooler I would take it upon myself to make trips to the preserves. I have even keep a few plants and helped plant gardens for family friends.

free samples
at mom and pop shops

unbeaten path
“snap” to the left

old creek
in the summer heat
clothes on a limb

hand in hand
not a word
let the trees speak

with a heat wave
mama and papa's pond
a mile away


with friends
hiking in the forest

© 2018, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.