
Global Haiku Tradition • Rengay Attempts 1, June 2016

No Love Lost

down on one knee
shining brightly
in her eyes

that moment our eyes met…
I knew I was in trouble

I believed in us
I am a fool

was so sure
we were forever . . .
time well wasted

lesson learned . . .
this time is different

down on one knee
shining brightly

Emily Holthaus & Jasmine Gregory


through the
looking glass

smoke-colored wigs
and demented twins

three quarters
the endless
tea party

tick tock
the tail continues

Cheshire cat grins
hide fading

the queens heart
red as blood

Christa Hunt, Alexa Duncan & Teresa Brase


over unkempt grass
summer heat

awakening stars
the still heat remains

with the calmness
of the bright

the dragonfly stills
its wings

yellows eyes brightly
the hunt begins

the owl glides
through the summer night

Mackenzie Larrick, Daniel Koffman & Rakan Algatani

Dainty Love

do our memories
haunt you
as they do me?

on my death bed
I hear my love . . .

I died long ago
she confessed
her disloyalty

Oh . . .
what could have been

if only she saw
in me,
what I saw in her

because of her,
I never loved

Emily Holthaus, Tives Gardner & Jasmine Gregory

Eye of the Tiger

pitter pattering
on you

balls of fur
in endless motion

mother saves
the tiny
trapeze artist

the pet owner
revs up
the chain saw

the size of whispers

king of the jungle
in the palm
of my hand

Teresa Brase & Christa Hunt




Planets Collide

stormy weather
of words
between two planets

shining moon
interrupts the rain

waterfall drowns
out the sound
of the drops

that heal
the dry

storm calms
their orbits return

lifting mist
the shy sun
rises again

Rakan Algatani & Mackenzie Larrick

© 2016, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.