Global Haiku • June 2019
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Raisa Zamacona



More Than Words

Raisa Zamacona

Haiku was first originated in Japan. It comes from a “first verse” called hokku. The beauty of a haiku is that it can have more than one meaning. Depending on the writer, a haiku can be written one way or another. The writer decides the amount of indentations that the haiku can have, the length of it and such. For me, haiku allow me to put my emotions into words. Furthermore, they are an outlet of relaxation. I have named my collection “More than Words” because my favorite haiku are often culmination of an ideal place or moment in the time that I had been or wish to be in. Some of my favorite things make their way into my favorite haiku, such as being a college students, love, loss, and friendship among others. While these haiku are only brief snapshots of my mind, they are representative of my life and thoughts.

I see you driving
with the boy i love
and i am like . . . haiku!

message in a bottle
taken by the tide
where am I?

i hope i don’t see

the rainbow stands as if you are here

hood up
on the subway
please quit talking


work all day long
checks bank account

house at the beach
birds sing songs
to the sound of waves

© 2019, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.