Global Haiku • Summer 2024
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Alex Wozniak

Footsteps and Memories

Alex Wozniak

Footsteps and Memories is a collection of haikus inspired by my walks in nature and my love for soccer. These poems capture moments of peace in the park and the thrill of playing the game. Each haiku reflects a memory or a feeling—a quiet stroll, a sunny field, the joy of scoring a goal. I've chosen these haikus because they speak to the simple pleasures of life and the excitement of sports, inviting you to share in these moments of reflection and passion.

swift pass, perfect shot
ball curves into the corner
crowd erupts in cheer

grass stained
jersey torn
final whistle fills the air

quiet streets at dusk
batteries light up the night
a gentle touch

lone tree stands tall
shadows stretch in afternoon
time moves slowly

old family photos
scattered on the attic floor
memories unwind

rusty playground swing
moving in the autumn wind
childhood drifts by

© 2024, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.