Global Haiku • Summer 2024
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Collin Applegate


Collin Applegate

With everyone always looking forwards and working hard to get further in life I believe that it is essential to look back on your past. This allows you to understand who you really are and what is important for you to get out of life. I chose the name Retrospect for this collection, because my haiku revolve around cherished memories and how my nostalgia has impacted me.

coffee filter
an empty canvas
becoming full

wind blowing
hair in my face
pebble in my shoe

abstract perspective
my tall walls
surround me

in the middle of the night
he silently steps over
the broken bottle

telling secrets
with a bottle of tequila
sitting on the floor

smooth jazz . . .
my fan spinning
against my thoughts

busy day
boarding the busses
bumpy road


© 2024, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.