Global Haiku • Summer 2024
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Hailie Schafman

Echoes of Yesterday

Hailie Schafman

In this collection, there is haiku written by Hailie Schafman. An incoming junior at Millikin University from Rockford, IL, Hailie enjoys writing of all kind. Specifically, Hailie likes to write about relationships between lovers, past lovers, friends, family and self-love. The title, ‘Echoes of Yesterday’ come from her memories and experiences of the past and present of her life. The theme of each haiku is love, although they all have the same theme, each haiku is special in it’s own way.

empty passenger seat  
sitting in silent memories  
on this road 

we danced in shadows  
promises in the air  
a love lost in night  

soft words in the night  
trust builds within conversations  
two strangers all along  

laughter fills the room  
late night drives  
friends for a lifetime

dark road stretches  
friends in backseat  
laughter fills the air 

my best friend and I 
drive around 
screaming the song 

dark blue skes farewell
my best friend's shadow roams
sunsets hold my grief

mom's gentle touch
braiding daughter's hair
the story of her life

© 2024, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.