Global Haiku • Summer 2024
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Jacob Bullock

Bullock's Best

Jacob Bullock

I named it “Bullock’s Best” because I didn’t feel the need to give it a specific name because of the variety of types of haiku that are available throughout this whether that be fishing, fitness, or the feelings of a person. My haiku are not only relatable to memories I have but to me they can be interpreted and related to by many different types of people with varying backgrounds.

red light
some stop
others continue on

whistle blows
recess over
back to reality

fog on the lake
early morning
time slows

throwback music
Sautrday morning
cleaning everything

shoot the layup
another opportunity

ball bounce
shoes squeak
peace at last

© 2024, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.