Haiku Kukai

Global Haiku Traditions--Kukai 1, PACE January 2005

Select 3-4 favorite haiku,
and write a ¶ of imagined response to 1 favorite for next week.

sunny garden
mother and daughter
on bended knee

light show
on a stormy night
family on the porch

listen to the rain
laying side by side
hear everything . . . and nothing

fat berries
heavy with morning dew
my knees hurt

scattered wildflowers
encircles mine

hairspray and bobby pins
curlers falling out
she laughs

grandpa’s fishing poles
grandma’s doilies
cobwebs in the attic

wake to darkness
ice hits the window
back in bed

people crying
and talking
dinner at church

the ravaging
water rages
children scream

sitting on the rocks
brisk water
across my feet

standing on a chair
she pretends to cut
grandfather's hair

heart pounding
in my chest
the soft glow of the clock

power out
candles lit
board games reappear

cheap perfume . . .
working late again

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.