Haiku Kukai

Global Haiku Traditions--Kukai 1, PACE January 2005
(Select 4-5 favorite haiku, and write a ¶ of imagined response to 2 favorites for next week.)

sunny garden
mother and daughter
on bended knee

Dee Woods (2)

light show
on a stormy night
family on the porch

Glen Sims (4)

This really hits home for me. This is something my family really enjoys. Especially when it was warm outside and you could see the major storm on the horizon. I can vividly see the lightning in the background and the approaching rain. Wondering with my family if the storm was going to hit us the hardest. Through it all though, we new that we still had our family together. —Josh

I picture my own family, as I was growing up, gathering on the front porch during summer storms. It was too warm to sit inside so we'd sit on the porch swing and watch the gutters fill with water. I picture the matriarch of the family humming old hymns while swinging slowly. I can see the kids running in and out of the rain, and the smallest of the children jumping up on mom's lap when the thunder would crash. I picture this as real quality family time. —Jen

listen to the rain
laying side by side
hear everything . . . and nothing

Jenifer Hagen

fat berries
heavy with morning dew
my knees hurt

Willa Heath (3)

scattered wildflowers
encircles mine

hairspray and bobby pins
curlers falling out
she laughs

grandpa’s fishing poles
grandma’s doilies
cobwebs in the attic

Jenifer Hagen (3)

wake to darkness
ice hits the window
back in bed

Dee Woods (3)

people crying
and talking
dinner at church

the ravaging
water rages
children scream

Josh Lane (2)

sitting on the rocks
brisk water
across my feet

Marcia Gordon (3)

This makes me remember going to Missouri in the summer to Cloud 9 Ranch where we camped and rode 4-wheelers. There are 7500 acres that you can ride and a stream that runs through the area. I remember being there with my family in July when it is 90 degrees outside and after riding for hours we would stop by the stream to cool off in its cool water. The water is very cool because it comes from an underground spring. There were not very many people around the water so this was a good way to cool off and enjoy some private family time. My family and I can't wait to go back again. —Glen

standing on a chair
she pretends to cut
grandfather's hair

Willa Heath

I enjoyed this Kukai because it made me think of my daughter and I. She wants to do my hair all the time. My Whitney is a girly girl and always wants to do hair and play dress up and play in make-up. So I got a visual of her sitting on the bed watching me every single morning while I am doing my make-up and saying "mommy I want to comb your hair". She always tells me we need to have a girl day. But when I am not able to do this then my three year old son is Whitney's victim as she makes him sit in her chair so she can pretend to cut his hair. —Dee

heart pounding
in my chest
the soft glow of the clock

Willa Heath (2)

power out
candles lit
board games reappear

Jenifer Hagen (5)

I imagine being at home during a snowstorm. Candles are lit in the room that everyone is sitting. The rest of the house is dark. The kids complain about can't watch TV, can't talk on the phone, can't take the candle to my room all alone. I guess we will just play a board game. —Marcia

cheap perfume . . .
working late again

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.