PACE Global Haiku • April 2007
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Sue Short


Sue Short

My haiku are inspired by my experiences and memories. I would like to thank Rex, my daughters, and the members of the Haiku April, 2007 class. Randy and the members made the experience fun and exciting. No one could predict what was going to be said next.

In these last few weeks, I have reunited with my feelings. I have learned how to express myself in fewer words. Haiku is the Japanese poetry that combines form, content, and language in a meaningful, yet compact way. And I will keep on writing my collection.

I hope you enjoy the haiku that I have chosen for my book.
Thanks for the memories.

mud puddles
boys jump in
new shoes

warm spring night
two bodies on the beach
slowly become one.

old blue bike
freshly painted
with my daughter’s name


almost there
too tired to think

three friends hug
a trusted friend
Ronald McDonald


climbing higher
little boy dreams
of touching the sky

bright spring day
little boy avoids
grandma’s embrace


The Travelers

bright sunny days
blue water becomes the sky…

tan bodies on the beach
time runs out….pleasure slowly fades

stress is easing back
harried packing
the journey home begins

weary travelers meet
long lines at the airport
anticipation of arriving home

new day dawns
the worlds unchanged

pictures on the mantle
echoes of children’s laughter
memories of days gone by.

Offspring Ballet

April winds send
Seedlings twirling downward
Nature’s dance

Birds are chirping
While building their nest

Hummingbirds sing
a golden tutu flitters
across the playground

little girls
chasing the breeze
arms wide open

the sun warms cherub faces
dizzy from their spins

with each fall
mothers cringe

a rengay by
Sue Short and Karen McFadin


© 2007, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.