PACE Global Haiku • April 2007
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Traci Batchelder

Family Time

Traci Batchelder

I have learned so much about myself throughout this haiku class. It has been so long since I have done creative writing that I had forgotten how much I missed it. Haiku is more than random thoughts thrown together. Closely examined, they are beautiful poems about relationships and feeling. My husband and I even make haiku as we are out. We enjoyed doing the rengay and Wedding Haiku project. I will take my experiences with me, and continue to write haiku. Thank you Dr. Brooks for re-sparking my creative side.

warm Sunday afternoon
mom and daughter ponytails
chatting in the kitchen

to my loving mother

hazy morning
forgetting to remember
          dusty tacklebox

to my grandpa
with love

bright helmet
three years old
pedaling faster

to my little Lexi-Lu


Sunday night tears
car window goodbyes
his dad goes out of sight

to my Connor B
I love you

Dirty July Morning

hot sticky night
damp skin
lovers whisper softly

     diamonds from the sky
     dancing on the water

gently drifting into the dark
lapping the shore

     together, sleeping peacefully
     he dreams of sex

her body
united with his

     spoken vows
     the sun comes up

by Wesley & Traci Batchelder

Present Tense

smiling at her
in the dressing room...wishing
she had saved her clothes

     same image in the mirror
     years earlier

mother and daughter
wearing the same styles
twenty years apart

     memories come full circle
     bell bottoms

80's music record
familiar in present
leg warmers

     her SUV

by Jami Martin
and Traci Batchelder

red autumn
faded with holes
boyfriend's sweatshirt


Spring morning
new beginnings . . . keeping
her old pillow

windows open,
waking to my alarm clock
chirping birds


spoken vows
jeweled hands
wax drips on the carpet


© 2007, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.