PACE Global Haiku • PACE February 2010
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Tina Olszewski

From the Heart

Tina Olszewski

What is Haiku? Haiku, simply put is a form of Japanese poetry. It is typically three lines that are very short and to the point. They are designed to evoke response through power imagery. Sight, smell, color and emotion are key responses to strive for when writing haiku. Seasonal references are very important in haiku as is stimulation of senses and thoughts. The ability to draw in the reader in and have them immediately connect with a haiku is what it is all about.

In my haiku writing, I found that my own experiences and observations were the best catalyst to start my writing adventures. However, I also found that if I could visualize what I was writing then the actual need to have lived it was not necessary. The play on words and arrangement is my favorite part of writing. Sometimes giving the reader an exact meaning and other times leaving the interpretation to go several ways. Watching or reading others responses to your writing is extremely fulfilling!

like the winter snow
my grandmother’s thoughts—
vanished in spring

cold winter night
he is gone—

barn loft
come out, come out


moss covered stone
foundation crumbling
in the spring rain

fallen oak tree
our diving board
into the lake


© 2010, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.