Haiku Matching Contest

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below or above the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

PACE Global Haiku Traditions--January 2006

pressed and flat
inbetween the pages
my first rose

fading ink
on withered pages
our first love letter

blue ink
on the back of
my dad's baseball card

front cover
held together by tape
wedding book




top quarter champion



top half champion



bottom quarter champion




ceramic work of art
with a bit of a lean
created by my son

faded roses and chipped rim
on display in my china cabinet

a glint of sun
off the gold
grandma’s brush

the warm glow
from an old candle
lights up the room


top half champion






bottom half champion


my favorite spoon
bent by
the ice cream

the little red bike
rusty and scratched
just like new

folded in a drawer
last gift from my father
a tattered sweatshirt

glory days gone by
tucked away in closet
high school football jersey




top quarter champion



bottom half champion



bottom quarter champion




70 Monte Carlo
waiting to be restored
his pride & joy

rusty fenders
broken locks
it’s a classic

slightly limping
but running again
three-legged dog

weather beaten
wooden patio furniture
ocean front homes

© 2006, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.