Haiku Matching Contest - Wabi

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below or above the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

PACE Global Haiku Traditions January 2007

man’s best friend
tired and frail
still with a spark

almost blind
and can’t hear intruders
my faithful companion

Mom’s favorite doll
a place on a shelf
a place in my heart

baseball bat
game used souvenir
displayed proudly





top quarter champion



top half champion


bottom quarter champion





always ready
always there
old pickup truck

rusty iron
the way of life
on the farm

one broken wing
still in the game
winner's attitude

spine not as strong
words are outdated
pages have yellowed


top half champion





bottom half champion


holes throughout
the faded denim

mile after mile
carrying the load
re-shoe me again

graveyard bound
not today
my old friend

the old chicken coop
she barely stands
still another use





top quarter champion



bottom half champion


bottom quarter champion





my daughter’s solo
slightly out of tune
Kindergarten recital

orange Popsicle stain
on middle C
I practice Bach

cracked and chipped

Will those six lost teeth
ever grow in?
corn on the cob

© 2007, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.