PACE Global Haiku • January 2007
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Jerry Bobbett

The Haiku Way

Jerry Bobbett

I had always heard that the hard rule of haiku was that it was always a 5,7,5 syllable poem. I have since learned that is not true. The first haiku I encountered was that in The Haiku Anthology edited by Cor Van Den Heuvel. My first approach at haiku was confusion and loss of direction. After reading more about haiku and what haiku represents, I began to understand how powerful and influential haiku can be. I’ve learned it is not what is written, it's what is imagined. For every haiku, each one of us could have a different vision or imagination of what was originally intended by the author.

on a journey
the ride so short
the dream far

down by the pond
dripping wet
squish squash

warm summer night
country road
gazing at the stars


bitterly cold
the warm touch
of her hand

home in the kitchen
up early
the fog slowly rising


© 2007, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.