Selected Haiku
Becky Ives
During the past five weeks I have learned a considerable amount about the art of Haiku. Prior to this class I simple “did not get it” I now have a basic understanding of what an Haiku really is and why it is so enjoyable. One of the unique things I have discovered is a spirit of collaboration and not one of competition. I am not sure if this is an east meets west cultural phenomenon or just the nature of the Haiku tradition. I do now that it is very different from American tradition.
I have also discovered how writing to set a mood without telling the reader what to think can be tied so closely with the word choice, links and as Shirane describes in chapter 4 about the importance of juxtaposition; reverberation, and transference. Word choices and combinations set the mood and let the ready experience the moment.
I cannot claim to fully understand the art of haiku and all that it encompasses; but I do have an appreciation for the art and a better understanding of the history of Haiku. I hope that this will not be the end of the experience I have with this poetic genre.