PACE Global Haiku • July 2006
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Andrea Salzman

Andrea's Best Haiku & Senryu

Andrea Salzman

These haiku and senryu that I have written are in my opinion my best ones. In this class I have learned a lot and have enjoyed myself greatly. I still may not have all the ends and out on the rules of this form of poetry, but I have tried my best and learned a great deal through this journey. It is nice to just be able to sit and lay back and think. That is where my writing mostly comes from. I will just be sitting there thinking and an idea will pop in my head and I will write a haiku about it. It also comes from my experiences I have been through in my life. As a child I moved around the United States quite often. My dad worked for the National Guard full time, so our family had to move for his job. Being able to move around often lets you see and meet a wide variety of people and things.

In my haiku I try and write about my experiences. I probably write more senrya than haiku, because I think it is more real to me. I am not that into nature, so it is harder to write haiku, but I still enjoy it. I try and make my haiku and senrya real and pertain to everyone in some way, depending on how each person interprets it. I hope everyone enjoys my favorites.

looking below
I see the bottom

hair all tousled
in the wind
summer breeze

hardly any clothing
covering her body
sweat drips


laying in the sun
skin on fire
summer day

only the moon
guiding my steps
not a sound for miles


looking about
under the moonlight
wondering what if . . .

looking above
figuring out the design
starry nights


all joined together
for the family reunion
spring day

piles of snow
all made into one


© 2006, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.