Selected Haiku
Kim Blunt
I am very excited about what I have learned and achieved in Global Haiku class. Before my entrance to this class, I knew absolutely nothing about Haiku. I never would have thought I'd enjoy the class as much as I did. It is so true how much fun it is. I have discovered that haiku is a means of developing a personal life of meaning and value from reading haiku and writing my own original haiku.
I have experienced the art of reading and writing haiku and having the ability to connect my personal experiences, memories and feelings to haiku.
I enjoyed researching international poets, editors and scholars of contemporary haiku. I really enjoyed haiku written by George Swede. The book, To Hear the Rain by Peggy Lyles, is one that should be read by everyone. I believe her haiku was a great way to start the class. My author study on Ferris Gilli proved to be a worthwhile experience as well. It gave me the ability to be creative and use my imagination to the fullest!