Memories how they linger
Linda Graves
this collection is delicated to
my late husband, Larry L. Graves
The title of this collection is "Memories how they linger" and I wrote these haiku in memory of my late husband who was truely my soul-mate. He died in 2004 in a horrific explosion. I thought that my life was over, but I took on many challenges and moved forward because not only for our children's sake, but because I knew that is what he would had wanted me to do.
I was born in 1960, the daughter of the late John and Alice Carson. I am also the 6th child of 10 siblings. I live in Decatur, Illinois and have two wonderful children Shanisha Graves-Roth, and Shamar Graves. I am the grandmother of three lovely granddaughters who had truly brought me so much joy. I am a student at Milliken University and I am going for my Bachelor's Degree in Organizational Leadership. I have worked with the elderly and the younger generation for over 30 years. My love for people has brought me into the social services field where I am now a Family Advisor at Anna Waters Head Start. I wrote these haiku because they are very passionate to me, and they brought back so many memories from my pass. I hope you like them.
This book has really brought me sadness, but also joy. I know that it will help you in some way move forward in your life, because our love ones who has pass on is never forgotten, but a memory of a legacy that is now in a better place.