Haiku Matching Contest

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below or above the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

Haiku Roundtable--PACE Fall 2005

Miss Jody says to
take out your books
playing school

first day of school
the frayed edge of a baby blanket
hidden inside the backpack

my faded, one-eyed rabbit
gets tucked in beside her

worn rag doll
regaining youthfulness
next generation's love




top quarter champion



top half champion



bottom quarter champion




strapless red dress
she hides
her wrinkled hands

young lovers
the cornfield
swallows their car

honeymoon in Mexico
stepping off the plane
a dove takes flight

How do I love thee?
let me count the ways…
What’s for supper?


top half champion






bottom half champion


unexpected diagnosis
I don't feel sick

six toes
instead of five
unconditional love

pet store
little black nose
sniffing out a new family

cardboard houses
line the streets
American dream




top quarter champion



bottom half champion



bottom quarter champion




Mother's Day
a toothless smile delivers
a handmade card

little hands
rolling the dough
the smell of gingerbread

no eyes, nose or tail
head attached with pins
a child's favorite toy

holes in the knees
paint on the ankle
my favorite sweats

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.