Haiku Kukai 2 Favorites

Global Haiku • Millikin University • November 2012

every night she wonders
. . . is that a grizzly bear
then rolls over

Sherie Baker (10)

Christmas music
in the shopping mall
mob action

Dianne Bailey (3)

blustery winds
she remembers her past

Sherie Baker

This reminds me of when my son had first moved and I came home after traveling for work. I had forgotten he was gone so when I walked in I expected to be greeted by him. I realized after I walked in to his room that he was gone. It is chilling to have your only child move out. Carrie

fresh dirt
under the old oak shade
matchbox cars

Charlie Gillaspie (10)

Number five is the one my response is to. This reminds me of my brother and his friends playing in our front yard in the dirt with their matchbox cars. They had roads and towns and they build things with little twigs and rocks. The would lay out there for hours just playing and getting all dirty. Shelly

holding her chest
she gasps for breath
no help in sight

as I looked at his things
I remember
His life

Helena Buckner (7)

I had a special connection to this Haiku because of my grandfathers. My dad’s father and mother’s father have both passed away. I often find things they gave me or that they left behind and sit and think about them. My dad’s father passed away when I was younger and still in high school but I was very close to him. He left behind some great memories. His pictures and things spark up the memories. My mother’s father passed away a couple years ago after my daughter was born. He sent her books and signed his name in them. Each time we read those books I think of him. Lindsey W.

first, seconds, and thirds
of Thanksgiving turkey
thank God for elastic

Amanda Guyse (4)

This ties in perfectly with last week and especially around the holidays. I like the humor in this haiku and I can definitely relate to it. Especially since you know that the Thanksgiving meal is the big meal of the day, nearly everyone is always going back for seconds and thirds. I have no clue how some of my family members managed to squeeze dessert in there somehow as well! I also love the line "thank God for elastic" because I think I wore elastic waist sweats and leggings, etc. for the next few days after Thanksgiving! Chelsea

It seems that the only time we are able to go back for 2nd or 3rd helpings is during Thanksgiving holiday. It seems that we save the date for only one day eat as much turkey as we can possible eat, along with the pumpkin pie, sweet potatoes; all the food that we typically do not eat the other 364 days of the year. We do not eat just to fill our stomach but actually eat until we feel gorged. Sherie

balanced in a tree
complete silence
Bambi in the distance

the ugly wool sweater
does not warm me
her smile

shedding sweaters
for short sleeves
nice cool breeze

Lindsey Wright (3)

hidden in the trees
seeing my breath
waiting for the shot

Kimberly Hanners (7)

Christmas songs
in the background
girls laugh

long day
hot water bubbles
she lets her hair down

Helena Buckner (3)

I used this haiku because I related so closely to it. As I mentioned in class, this is so me. The long day is typical for me. I work 10.5 hours a day as a Nanny so therefore I hold the same duties as a stay at home mom would. Almost daily, I end my night with either a hot bath or hot tea. Therefore, the “hot water bubbles” to me could represent either. Then obviously, “she lets her hair down” refers to me at the final relaxation point. This haiku provoked many emotions due to being able to connect to it. I can smell the hot tea and I can feel the tiredness. Joy

little boys
playing in the mud
mom's new worms

Charlie Gillaspie (7)

I see a pun in this haiku from Kukai 2. Mom’s new worms could be actual worms that the boys bring to her after playing in the mud or, because they are playing in the mom, the writer could be referring to them as mom’s new worms. Justin

I saw this haiku differently than many of the students in class. I see two or three little boys covered from head to toe in mud. The children are so covered that the mom calls them “her worms.” This was a very delightful haiku and I really enjoyed it!! Kimberly

umbrella in my drink
and the sun on my face
. . . this is the life

Chelsea Taylor (8)

Aaahhhh, reading this haiku, I escape to a place surrounded by beautiful palm trees, clear aqua blue water and blue skies. This would be the ideal life for anyone who enjoy being outdoors. A permanent vacation or just a get away for a week, I will take it! When reading this haiku I also thought of how the media depicts the lifestyle of Hollywood's rich and famous. Helena

his name engraved
in black granite

Charlie Gillaspie

This haiku is straight to the point. Automatically, I knew there was a death that took place. This also makes me wonder how it happened. Since this haiku is so straight forward, I assumed that this person made the attempt to take his life out of the blue. It's like family and friends had no idea what was wrong in his or her life. Helena

Spring downpour
a lake
in the garden

homemade noodles and
pumpkin pie
grandma's house

Mindy Humphrey (4)

This haiku also takes me back to my childhood at Christmas when we would all get together at my grandparent’s house for Christmas dinner and then sit in a circle and open presents. My grandma always made homemade noodles for chicken and noodles and we would always have some kind of homemade pie or cake for dessert. Lindsay M.

When I was growing up I remember my family going to my grandparent’s farm house every holiday and getting together with my aunts, uncles, and cousins that I didn’t get to see very often. The adults ate at the big table in the kitchen, with the kids in the adjoining room at a much smaller “kid’s table”. Pumpkin pie and homemade noodles were a staple at these gatherings. The house was filled with laughter, as if no one had a care in the world. We all ate and caught each other up on our lives, while the adults could be heard reminiscing about found memories of their youth. Sandy

attic stairs
to the unknown
a military trunk

Dianne Bailey (3)

This poem is filled with excitement and curiosity. I remember my attic when I was a child. It was filled with boxes and random items that simply amazed me. Causing me to feel such a childlike way makes this poem successful. What is in the attic? What is in the military trunk? Whatever it is, I am sure it is interesting! Justin

he takes off his mask
eyes of a broken heart
I'm sorry

Helena Buckner (14)

This was my favorite Haiku from the Millikin Haiku 2 Favorites. When I read the Haiku, my memory response was a fight with my husband in our early dating years, before we learned to think before speaking. Passionate but angry words were said, feelings were hurt, and after time passes to allow a rational reflection on the moment, defenses are let down a bit. But when Helena shared her memory that sparked this writing, I instantly thought of the day my 16-year old niece died, and the doctor who came to tell my distraught sister who had lost her only child that he was sorry. Dianne

This poem was very emotional. You could tell the writer wrote it from an emotional space. I love the way in which this poem could go in two different directions. In one direction I see a man that has finally let his guard down to a woman he really loves. The man is finally vunerable. In the other direction I see the author’s vison of a doctor telling the family sorry. This was a very powerful poem to me. Amber

Even after almost a week has passed by, this haiku still resonates with me. It may be because of the stoic men in my family, but I am not sure. I still remember watching my Father cry at my Grandfather's funeral. I am also aware that my own children do not ever remember seeing me cry, but will have a similar memory after some tragedy that will come later in life. To me this makes this haiku very emotionally powerful. Brendan

In class we discussed several different meanings for this haiku. Some pictured a doctor, others pictured a man shaking the image of a strong, emotionless man, and one even pictured domestic abuse. This haiku completes one of my favorite aspects of a haiku by having several interpretations by readers. Personally, I imagine a doctor giving the news to a family that their loved one has not survived. I think this was excellent. Justin

As I reflect on this Haiku, I imagine a woman that went into labor. Everything seemed to be going as planned in the C-section. The anxious soon to be dad is sitting next to his wife as the surgery proceeds. Suddenly something goes wrong. The husband is asked to leave because his wife is losing blood and the doctor needs assistance. The husband paces out in the hallway with the couples family struggling to keep it together. Finally, the doctor emerges from the operating room to explain that the baby is fine, but he is sorry he could not save the wife. She had an artery rupture and lost too much blood. The husband drops to the ground in tears. His beautiful wife will never meet this beautiful child they brought into this world. Mindy

private ballet
young dragonfly
on the sunlit pavement

Jennifer Joyner (3)

I loved . . .
Summer nights
her deep voice sang

October morning
newborn cries
and his father

Justin Lyon

Wow. This haiku kind of tore at me. When I read this I imagine a father sitting in a rocking chair trying to rock his newborn to sleep and very upset. It made me feel like he was missing the child's mother. I got to thinking about why he would be missing her. Maybe she left, maybe she passed during childbirth. It was hard to read this and to imagine it but it was very well written. Steven

the chill of the night
civilians gather again
midnight swim

home for the holidays
Christmas dinner
. . . one empty chair

Sandy Dunn (15)

As Christmas approaches I began to think of all the funny times I have had with my family and friends. I can smell the food cooking and hear the laughter throughout the house. I always loved when it is time to watch people open present to see the smiles or frown across their faces.  Then reality sets in and I realized that no all my family will be present for the holidays. Many of my family members have moved away and do not always make it back to visit.  Others have gotten married and share the holiday season with their in-laws. Unfortunately, there are several members of the family that have passed away, which makes the holidays hard. The feeling of happiness is replaced by sadness when I think of all the family that will not be present during the holiday season. Amanda

While this particular haiku is a little dark, I think it is excellent. I am reminded of the holidays since my grandmother passed away several years ago. While this poem is direct, I feel it causes a reader to have their own feeling or thoughts of that loss. Even for those who have not experienced loss, a feeling of sympathy and sadness is created by this haiku. Justin

The year I lost my cousin and grandfather within two months was very hard. It happen before thanksgiving and then before Christmas. It was a feeling that year of joy (for the holidays), but sadness because they were missing. There is not much to say, but this makes me think of them and that they are never forgotten. Shauna

summers sun
beating down
. . . bobber bobbing

sitting around the fire
staring at the harvest moon
your hand touches mine

Shelley Puckett (7)

summer night
with you at the lake
some ice cold beer

Shelley Puckett (8)

car ride to Grandma's
in the backseat . . .
she's on my side!

Sandy Dunn (7)

wrapping paper
covers the floor
five smiling faces

Brendan Skeffington (5)

snow on the ground
covers the yard
dog plays for hour

boat rocking with the wake
patience my dad says
waiting for a bite

Shauna Klauser (7)

filled cooler
fishing poles
Dad time

Kimberly Hanners (3)

© 2012, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.