Haiku Kukai 2 - Seasonal Haiku & Some Senryu

Global Haiku • Millikin University • September 2015


the children run through
fresh cut grass
the ice cream truck!

Grandma's old mason jar
with holes poked above
nature's flashlight

cloudless day
chalky fingers

drunken night
I said "yes"
to skydiving

locks changed
and wiring checked
dad’s “I love you”

the rough gravel
on a hot day
bike ride to the park

blistery August sun
the cool hiss of aloe
on my red shoulders

quiet, glass top lake
a boat slowly
rippling through

a child's laugh
the swing goes higher
and higher

s                         I     n
     w               g               g
          I     n

summer breeze
engines roar
mud flies

waves rocking
boats floating

taking the steps
two at a time
top floor!

mom and daughter
around the table sharing

lying in bed
the dog barks
at her own dream

one more call
to hear a voicemail
missing you

the deadline is nearing for
homework due
side tracked

ice on the windshield
scraper in pieces
late to work

buzz around
the sunflower

you and I
couch and blanket
music and hot cocoa

Christmas Eve
my father

cold winter night as
the moon shines bright
hot cocoa

snow angels and
a carrot for a nose
the first snow

red, green, blue
blink, blink, blink
s            e
   m  i   l

barren trees
the idea of going out
has lost its charm

brothers play with their trains
wrapping paper litters the floor while
snow falls outside

white trees
wrapped in a blanket
damn noisy plow trucks

snowman families
in every neighborhood
children's laughter

playoff baseball
NFL football
must be October


80's one day
50's the next
no wonder i'm sick

cool breeze
red and yellow leaves
fall from the trees

leaves in the yard
rakes in hand
father and son

foggy night
hay ride and
scary stories shared

mid October
Christmas lights up
way too early

pumpkins carved
teeth sharp
bloody corpse

Sunday afternoon
watching football while
eating chilli






day after Thanksgiving
trying to avoid
another black Friday

September evening
the marshmallow warms
in the campfire

brisk Friday night
students cheer for
another touchdown

the sun fades
leaves blanket
the forest floor

fallen leaves
true love vows
becoming one

sunny afternoon
family says a prayer
around the turkey

opening morning
a deer wanders as
the hunter raises his rifle

peanut butter and chocolate
all over the kitchen
It's baking day

house full of family
giving thanks all around
thanksgiving day

first day of fall
dust in the air
smell of harvest

Grandma’s house
comforting smell
green bean casserole

clocks fall back
sets in

porch light on
sounds of children
trick or treating

hay bales fill up
Dad's old pickup truck
laughter fills the autumn air

me & grandpa
wishbone's bigger piece
I won

brown leaves crunching
under my bare feet

raking the leaves
into a pile
dog runs through

the midnight moon glowing in
the sky
dogs howl

late October trip
finding the largest pumpkin
in the patch

my friend Zyrtec
never leaves myside
especially on hay rides

the quieting down
on a cold October night
we blow out the candle
inside our pumpkin of fright

moonlit night
   fog floating
doorbell rings

the crunch
of the dried Autumn leaves
beneath my boots

Grandpa naps

no more cicadas
birds leaving too
finally quiet

leaves piled up from
Dad's hard work

© 2014, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.