Haiku Kukai 6—Storms

Global Haiku Tradition--Kukai 6, Spring 2003

sudden dark sky
afternoon picnic
at the kitchen table

Mary Reed (1st)

lying in bed
I watch the rain
pound upon my window

Stacey Orr (2nd)

slanting rain
the yellow tulips
lean for a kiss

Julie Forehand (3rd)

counting the seconds
between thunder--
stormy night

Alyson Ludek (4th)

crawling across
the sky
two arms of lighting 

fresh rain
hits the pavement
—dogging heavy raindrops

puddle day:
I watch myself walk
through pavement

undersides of leaves
my grandmother—
lord protect us

lightning flashes
in a rage
his voice heightens

flash of lightning
the loud clap of thunder
rocks the skyscraper

dark cloud looms
funnel emerges
basement sanctuary

porch door creeks
along with the swing
falling sky

spring rain
we walk home
umbrella unopened

crash of lighting
the dog hides
under the bed

among black clouds
bright blue
peeks through

distant crack
echoes in the darkened gray sky
long walk home

© 2003, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.