Final Kukai Renga

Global Haiku Tradition--Final Kukai Rengay, Spring 2003

         County Fair 

neon lights   
Ferris wheel—
seen for miles 

    carnival booth  
    stuffed animal prizes 

sold out grandstand
girls competing for
the title 

    tractor tires dig
    black smoke fills the air 

sultry night
dirty sandaled feet
the smell of livestock 

    4-H building
    state fair hopefuls

Miranda Baker
Joann Kincade





winter’s chill
lingers in the air
spring blossoms


light outside
with hidden sun


a flock of crows
in the field


white splatters
cover my windshield


we find the moon
through the clouds


change of season
carried by the wind


thunder cloud
slowly overtaking
the gentle sky


distant bolt


she scrambles
to secure the window
storm on the horizon


small boy distracted
by his checkers


freshly cut flowers
awaiting her arrival
three years together


oil leak
left on the driveway


clouds drift
to unveil the moon


silver light bathes
the weeping willow


the old frog
in the puddle


gentle breeze
whisks through the air


purple lilac blossoms
along the path
she sneezes


swinging child
outburst of laughter


spring air coaxes
from the ground


pink and orange melt
in the setting sun


Paul Scherschel (PS)
Chris Bronke (CB)
Chrissy Hulse (CH)
Billy Flowers (BF)
Alyson Ludek (AL)






                 It's in the Eyes

purple flowers
penetrate the bright green grass

purple and white wildflowers
a bouquet
for her mother 

towering evergreen
toward the sun 

Friday afternoon
a relaxing jog
in the park 

group of joggers
one stands
above the rest 

peaceful afternoon
the cars zoom
down Fairview Ave. 

a bird swoops down
to snatch its prey
laughter in the distance 

warm spring day
taking a break
walk in the park 

beneath a tree
lovers stare
in each other's eyes

Stacey Orr
Aaron Meyer



old friends
a spoon clinks
rich coffee

     waking light
     dew's farewell

rolling surf
bright red shell
in grandpa's weathered hand

     hearts remember

sticky formica
in the ice cream parlor
first kiss

     blooming larkspurs
     a mother robin and baby

Ryan Jones
Janet Smith

1st Place (class)

I liked this rengay because it is about people are connected by sharing conversation, saying goodbye, holding hands, and by kissing.  All of these subjects are everyday events. —Miranda Baker

I really enjoy this linked verse. There are a lot of different themes working together here, the idea of friendship, family, and remembered love. I really enjoy the colors and the descriptors used by the authors. They are specific, but yet they still retain the right to include everyone in their meaning. The juxtaposition of the senses is very well done and I think that each link is strong and can easily stand alone. Erin Osmus



Grasshoppers and Tobacco Spit

scent of lillies
white dress
flows past smiles

spring breeze extinguishes
the orange flame

a single tear
father's weathered face

reception delayed
wedding party pictures

soft moonlight
reflects in
the newlywed's eyes

glassy lake
a fish nibbles our toes

tonight's concert
crickets and bullfrogs
opening chord

a lone didjeridoo
echoes in the distance

the yodeler
a long trill sounds
over soft snow

numb fingers
sculpt her snow fort

a crashing wave
invades castle walls—

feasting on steamed crabs
playful banter

family reunion
moon viewing
among strangers

a smile shared
the subway

breathing each other's air
we climb
to the surface

hard rock
rattles the speakers

crowded park
black boots trample
cherry blossoms

straight-faced troops
march through protesters

TV broadcast
the child struggles
to understand

war in action
reporter rambles on

beneath the transmitter
a red ant nibbles
the crusty bun

a motherless child
cries for her dolly

painted face
on porcelain bisk
dressed in lace

her tiny easter bonnet
stained by jelly beans

grimey hands
fumble for colored eggs
among the grass

broken shell
a baby robin motionless

thick smoke
searching for her child
with a broken heart

crackling fire
first s'mores of fall

harvest moon
sets and rises
between friends

soft talk
gentle laughter

sisters snuggle
beneath warm blankets

the scent of freshly baked cookies
drifts up the stairs

lemonade stand
a coin drops
in the cup

rain forecast
girls set up and umbrella

hand in hand
young lovers skip
in the cherry orchard

open eyes
a thoughful kiss

Dr. Brooks Award
for Best

• • •


K.B. Hattan: 1, 9, 16, 23, 30
Bri Hill: 2, 10, 17, 24, 31
Michele LaBrose: 3, 11, 18, 25, 32
Lauren Taylor: 4, 12, 19, 26, 33
Xiu Zheng: 5, 13, 20, 27, 34
Ryan Jones: 6, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35
Liz Hattan: 8, 15, 22, 29, 36

Written in Bri's apartment
on March 30, 2003





April Ginko

fresh flowers
a burning

daffodils dance
in the spring breeze
a butterfly lands

skin warmed by the spring sun
a funeral procession
passes by

squirrels in the trees     play tag

just in time for summer
mother nature
decides it's spring

invading the tulip garden
the dandelion

a cherry tree
offers shade
to a bed of lilacs

clear day
new breeze
new spirit

\ing birds
interrupted by
church bells

lady bug snoozes
on the leaf
of a daffodil

Candace Golden
Kelly Carruth
Miranda Baker




                      Lace and Air

little girl's bedroom
  barbie and ken
the perfect love

    crying on the playground
    he spit in her braids

spin the bottle with friends
   i cut his lip . . .
              I hate my braces!

     finally home from another blind date
     a new message from an old friend

an evening walk
the kiss, good night
possibilities swirl in her head

     thrown rice floats
     in the champaign flute

Mary Reed
Candace Golden
Kelly Carruth


                    First Spring Day

first spring day
winter salt
still on the ground


     cool evening
     lovers chat on the porch


lace curtain
with the wind


     a pair of songbirds chirping


mating grasshoppers
enjoy their privacy


     love fills the night air
     first spring day


ng – Nikki Garry
ky – Kandy Yeung
xyz – Xiu Ying Zheng

2nd Place (class)


       Ebb and Flow

red checkered blanket
we smile
over watermelon wedges

tiny fingers weave
her dandelion crown

still pond
red salamander
peeking between stones

hollow reeds whistle
rippled water

baby's first swim
two orange floaties
in the surf

dissolving sand
between spread toes

Ryan Jones
Bri Hill



       The Spring Sun

head slowly falls
on the terry cloth towel
new spring day

       hot pink toe nails
       slip on sandals

blue birds sing
baby oil
my sun soaked skin

       bikini clad girls
       cars honk as they go by

sand between my toes
cool breeze
daiquiri in hand

       sunglasses on
       checking out the boys

giggling with the girls
sun fades away
wait for tomorrow

Tricia Scholl
Medea Mosxona





long night at work
piles of homework
left undone

dreaming of summer
she sleeps through the alarm

at the crosswalk
the line of cars
never ends

watermelon gum
on my new flip-flops
       g o o e y

after the test
her chewed pencil

in the park
the sun warms
her freckled skin

Candace Golden
Kelly Carruth


       Here comes life...

final weeks
for the real world

     last minute projects
     on my desk

computer screen
covered with data
finally finished

     nearly time
     to part ways—
     Graduation day

back home...
the job search begins

     lice and sore throats
     little carrier monkeys
     a teacher at last

Courtney Ruffner



           Smokey Room

sitting alone
among "friends"


silently screaming
no one hears


she goes unnoticed
as they laugh
and drink


invited, but unwelcome
she questions her presence


old puzzle piece
not fitting as well
as it once did


she slips out the door
leaving the smokey room behind


Michele LaBrose




soft rain
tapping the car window
you whisper in my ear


     three little words
     my heart races
     wild like a deer


strands of tears
stream down my cheeks
your surprise proposal


     head droops low
     smile and nod my head


drown in your arms
I wish
this moment to freeze


     the rain stopped outside
     . . . rainbow


xyz – Xiu Ying Zheng
ek – Emiko Kawakami





      Nightengale Chirps

the grass seems…
greener this year
giggling together


we talk about
Ginko walk


by my cell phone ring
tall green bushes


a lone leaf
tickles my face
thirsty Thursday


group meeting
struggling to be creative
Aston hall


my beginnings
are distant memories
lighted windows


in Mueller hall
giggling girls
evening walk


a distant telephone
soft tone of the sunset


still glowing on the horizon
lightening bug
spring night


our attire
I trip suddenly


to see a penny
staring at me
distant giggles


a gentle breeze
rustles purple blossom


Jennifer Griebel
Michele LaBrose
Liz Hattan
Xiu Ying Zheng
Bri Hill
Lauren Taylor


the toddler sneezes
squeezing the fur
of his first kitty

     half eaten cookie sits on the table
     a filmy, empty sippy-cup it’s only companion

a firefly
catches eyes
with the cat

     cries from the child
     the restless cat breaks free

the breeze turns
the page of a coloring book
his crayola world

     a mute t.v. talking about war
     the cat kicks a crayon as it scampers by

Kelly Carruth
Ben Fuschen



© 2003, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.