Linked Verse Attempts 3

Global Haiku Tradition--Linked Haiku Attempts, Spring 2004


old maple pew
she waits

flickering flame
piercing darkness

stirs her heart
through dusty sunbeams

cathedral shadows

into holy hands
she sinks

clearer than before

scorching heat
black top burns

sudden downpour
worms begin to float
above ground

trail of worms
squishing them
between the toes

Clover Picking

speckled green field
dandelions erupt!

proudly perched
a crimson robin
suns its wings

between the tree stumps
violets grow wild

from the neck of the oak
layers of moss
blanket the bark

delicious breeze
running through my linen skirt

the old willow
offers shade
as I pick clovers


stiff wind
a magnolia petal
joins its brothers

spider descends
from his lookout

downcast eyes—
slowly fingering
her first-place ribbon

dandelion puffs
lodged in cracked earth

toenail clippings
ping against
the air conditioner

from the darkened sky

tornado hits
a family’s loss
revealed by the moon

children cry…
cool breeze chill

old memories
in rubble…
but not forgotten

one house
left untouched

clearing sky
a dog searches
for his bone

rising sun
the clean up begins

sharing a romantic dinner
with the lights down low…
back together

time apart
longing for the touch

side by side
our hands laced
as we share a full moon

kissing her gently
three simple words
never said before

distant hearts …
brought together with time

good-bye so soon
dreaming of our future
with no distance

waking up
window open
I Sneeze!

shorts and sunglasses
sweater and jeans

dreaming of classes like:
frisbee education

flower petals blow
in my hair

showing off His stuff
I’m proud to be the Creator’s

The Hurricane

island surf
swelling and splashing
…the swaying dock

boats on the beach
turned on their sides

the weary sailor
watches his boat
…eaten by the sea

masts floating away
a big wave shreds…
the dock’s remains

swaying palm trees
bruising rain

post-storm calmness
Mother Nature’s way


buried in black soil
the seed booster

she waits patiently
tulips arrive

help wanted
hired on the spot

flowers bloom
rainbow in the garden

She gardens
her evening date

a dozen daisies
one in each color

Nature’s Seduction

grandma’s quilt
under the lilacs
lazy afternoon

scented breeze
turns the pages for me

the tiny ant
crawls into the words…
Thoreau is forgotten

fresh cut grass -
one dandelion
escaped the mower

orange sun sinks
in the pink sky

through the budding branches
fading light
follows me home

glass flies in the air
as the car crumples on site
the impact breaks bones

help me-I can’t breathe
tubing slides down my nose

bright emergency room
inhaling the sterile smells
my head is spinning

tears slide down her face
my mom never leaves me
fear in my father’s face

why was it my time
I’m not ready for this

I say my goodbyes
as the lid slowly closes
my body laid to rest

Walking at Haiku-Writing Speed

satin sheet
ruffled flowers
beneath the tree

wind surfing
waves of wheat

swampy swimming pool
playing fort
we smile

puce pine needles
carelessly laying
preserves autumn's image

wallowing paw prints
bent whippoorwills

baby blue blossoms
Spring smells
completed crown

Abe Millikin & Casey Turnipseed


© 2004, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.