Kukai 2 - Childhood Memory Haiku

Global Haiku Tradition--Kukai 2, Spring 2005

fishing boat
father baits the hook
I bask in the sun

Morrisonville Frog Jump
we name him

nervous butterflies
shady tree
first kiss

fresh white snow
down the hill
into the fence

Grandma's hat—
beneath the brim
red berries

for Sam,
we played the main stage
with shmaltz

frosty windows
fist and three fingers
we make little footprints

teardrops fall
as movers
steal each possession

blue swings
meet the sky
we jump

scrapped knees
spinning wheels
try and try again

canopy bed
pink ruffled sanctuary

mangled and bent
two stairs

lipstick smears—
feet tottering
in red high heels

cold rink
twenty small hockey players
flopping and flailing

upon the green carpet
it was magic

we count to four
in green clover

tide draws back
hands in the sand
hunt for hermits

putting on makeup
away from mother's eyes

dangling from tree limbs
no cooties
best friend

dead silence
the kitten
shimmies up the bedspread

favorite game—
small fingers snap
grandpa’s suspender straps

dad's whistle
matching any train
dinner is ready

round and around
no more training wheels
fifteen stitches

first time
first cast
first fish

Supergirl p.j.s
and cowboy boots
—soaring couch to couch

filthy jersey
softball diamond
a girl’s best friend

bubble mower
side by side
“we” cut the grass

legs swinging
in anticipation
soft boiled eggs

Spot of red
Rough terrain
Fear of hydrogen peroxide

grandma's fragile frame
as i color purple cows

sore knuckles
meet bruised shoulder
trading punches

dark closet
with only a flashlight
“santa” will never know

going nowhere
geese begin to flock
bread in hand

baby teeth gone
having trouble sleeping
tooth fairy on her way

waiting and waiting
finally the bell rings

cheering friends
I tighten my rollerblades
to dare the big hill

standing high
looking down
king of the hill

rainy day
she becomes a mother
at recess

cold winter day
Dad & I
pickin a tree

bell rings
snack time overdue
just two blocks away

time doesn’t matter
playing in my world

nervous to be heard
the door slides
we are gone

girls playing together
brother interrupts
. . . Barbie gets a haircut

fresh cut grass
hidden treasures
buried in the sandbox

wading in the creek
my mud-filled shoe
lost forever

harvest dinner
fresh conversation
over corn on the cob

turtles sunbathe...
I watch until
my skin turns pink

in the kitchen
I'm spotted
cat runs away

best friend
the tiny shoebox
in the backyard

  quiet house
over the rooftop
toilet paper soars

Christmas dinner
Uncle Bob
eats with the kids

watching Saved by the Bell
friends forever
with Zach Morris

heavy brown leather
upon my shoulders
Grandpa's bomber jacket

crowded dinner table
dad solving each problem
over chicken and mashed potatoes

our own village
rampaging Hot Wheels
through grandma’s garden

moving day
the swingset
nowhere to be found

crayon crawls across
white walls
—a masterpiece

soft donkey
flowered jacket

swishing horse tails
treetops flailing wildly
anxious glances exchanged

campfire glow
eating marshmallows
we listen to stories

it feels like yesterday
we were all together
with no cares in the world

shallow river banks
rock bottom
. . . we carry the canoe

Bloody Mary
in the car mirror
we scream and run

my eyes
staring back at me
little brother

the hall again
what did I do?
everyone giggles

Saturday morning
I tiptoe to the TV
with my bowl of Capn’ Crunch

underneath the porch
becomes headquarters

old rusted hook
on the porch
a new baseball cap

the maroon recliner rocks
I close my eyes
to hear Mom’s soothing song

spaghetti dinner
sitting at the table
my uncle looks like Elvish

Rope pulled tight
Sharp rocks rub up against

mid-august afternoon
a water balloon plummets

boxed salad
the scent of ranch
in the pool

writhing joy
empty bird seed barrel
full of garter snakes

blankets on the ground
we look up
into a sky of lights

wooden block city
stacked high
i am Godzilla

first day of class
rushed by lateness
all glances toward me

surrounding darkness
singular campfire
mesmerizing children

jungle gym bars
rusty cold handles
aching my hands

hiding in the dark
a flash of light
from my shoe

inside recess due to rain
triple dog dare
boy eats crayon

standing before god
waist high bathwater
eyes fixed on the southern cross

unexpected moment
forced to contemplate
the afterlife

in every class
next to me
the kid who eats paste

plaid uniform trembles
lunchroom pudding jiggling
"cool kids" whisper

summer tee-ball
the fair-skinned girl
turns red

winning home run
a crowd of one

Headphones on
Want to get away
New CD rocks

the air moves
buzzing and clicking
as our first computer greets us

from left field
a smile
i crouch in readiness

as i read
i drift away
where i can only see

Summer Concert
Girlfriend close bye
You hear your name called

into the couch
the leather sticks to my skin

Fresh spring breeze
Boy swings in the swing
Laughter heard all around

piggy bank breaks
copper smell
pennies everywhere

grandpa's truck bed
where a nail and my foot

Boy stands waiting
Next to the pond in suspense
Pastor calls his name

tiny footfalls
she drags the pink bunny
by his ears

twirling with friends
I am a mermaid

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University • last updated: February 3, 2005
All rights returned to authors upon publication.