Headlights & Streetlights

Global Haiku Tradition--Kasen Renga, Spring 2005

magnolia tree
last years pants
two inches too short

            first warm day
            petals stuck to shoes

bare feet
damp spring grass
still running

            summer sun
            sets beyond the dock

the new moon

            Indian Summer
            bottling the last fireflies

painted faces
parading upon stilts
above Paris streets

            my inner child
            tugs me along

a lone row boat
escaping across
the still lake

            picnic in the park
            ants steal our crumbs

overturned canoe
across the night sky

            shooting star
            dashes above us

the woman touches
her swollen stomach
full moon

            pacing the floors at sunrise
            newborn walls

25 foot cake
one candle
baby's frosted face

            wobbly first steps
            camera flashes

body sprawled
amongst the cherry blossoms

            afternoon nap
            cat purring against my hip

cradling hammock
whispering breezes
rock us to sleep

            racing past
            children tip me over

empty swing
blowing wildly
in the breeze

            lightning flashes
            first summer thunderstorm

puddle streets
speckled windows
puzzle day

            windshield wipers
            slowly back and forth

on his deathbed
the clock
strikes midnight

            life moves on

white descends on
on old bed-sheets
final breath

            funeral flowers
            turn the house into a garden

while the wind
rustles the leaves above

            we grab hands
            linking together

promise of snow
pulling scarves tighter
against the bitter wind

            the street seems silent
            beneath the blanket of snow

roads slick with ice
a man with his truck
makes them safe

            haloed street lamps
            lonely night drive

cheery blossoms
ashes fall from the
glowing end of a cigarette

            I see my breath



Nicole Silverman
Molly Burns
Jim Harnett
Ashley Knezevich

1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 25, 29, 33
2, 6, 10, 14, 18, 22, 26, 30, 34
3, 7, 11, 15, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35
4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36

© 2005, Randy Brooks • Millikin University • last updated: May 17, 2005
All rights returned to authors upon publication.