Mardi Gras - Ash Wednesday - Lent • Haiku Matching Contest • Spring 2006

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

bystanding with my family
a six foot penis
marches by

on the quad
students roll snowballs
Frosty the Snow-Penis

I like it…
soft and rhythmic

smoke and wine
aroma      a blue note
from across the bar





top quarter champion =


top half champion =


bottom quarter champion =




to drunken hiccups
the baby sister whispers
how was Marty Graw?

on a single picture—
are those my boobs?!

only the beads
around my neck
recall last night

keeping my integrity
I buy the beads
for a quarter



top half champion =


champion =


bottom half champion =

day after Mardi Gras
we sit at Imo’s laughing
geyser of my Mt. Dew

a time to give up

a week before Lent
I give up—

the box of chocolates
closed and gathering dust—
her Lenten sacrifice





top quarter champion =


bottom half champion =


bottom quarter champion =




breathless words
written in my eyes
softly confessing

Maundy Thursday
a shiver down my spine
as the cock crows

a morning sunbeam
quietly serenades
the sanctuary

Ash Wednesday—
the one day
everyone’s Catholic

© 2006, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.