Haiku Matching Contest - Snow Day

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below or above the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

Global Haiku Traditions Spring 2007

drive then reverse
again and again
I’m still stuck

white haze
unable to see
the car in front of me

icy wind
stings my face
classroom miles away

early morning
snow to my knees
empty classroom





top quarter champion



top half champion


bottom quarter champion





blowing winds
steady the resolve
of my love

racing home
in the snow
to call you

burning ears
chaffed lips
snow removal from heart

snowed in
two days      waiting
for the snowplow


top half champion





bottom half champion


the neighbor kids
snowball fight


untouched snow
she falls straight back
to create a perfect snow angel

one mitten missing
rolled into
the snowman's head





top quarter champion



bottom half champion


bottom quarter champion





look I can stand
on top of the snow

little red sled
crashes into the snow bank
belly laughs

winter wonderland
I’m stuck inside
Do I have to shovel?

winter wonderland . . .
he tackles her
into the snow drift

© 2007, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.