Haiku Matching Contest - Snow Too

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below or above the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

Global Haiku Traditions Spring 2008

school canceled
we lay down
snow angels

making angels
in freshly fallen snow
two sisters

trying her best
to not leave her handprint
a snow angel

limbs waving
face to the sky
I search for real angels





top quarter champion



top half champion


bottom quarter champion





mischievous snowman
lures me away
from homework

no magic hat
yet, eyes
full of life

snow day
a snow man
completed with dog biscuits

the snowman
grows through
the blizzard


top half champion





bottom half champion


tongue sticking out
arms outstretched
first snow

holding dad’s hand
catching snowflakes
on my tongue

little maps
of some animal—
footprints in the snow

new snow
even the trash





top quarter champion



bottom half champion


bottom quarter champion





frost-covered window
the child grins
first snow

first flakes
a child presses his nose
to the window

a snowflake
finds a home
on her eyelash

on eyelashes
her first snow

© 2008, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.