Global Haiku
Traditions Spring 2008: Contest organized by Amanda Aukerman, Andy Jones, Jessica Villerral & Erin Knott
a solitary bridge
overgrown with green . . .
Alyssa Thompson |
bustling city
a green paradise
hidden in the center
Nicole Zabrinas |
Central Park
a pond reflects
summer green
Nicole Zabrinas |
curious hands
dip into the pond
who lives there?
Kersten Haile |
a solitary bridge
overgrown with green . . .
curious hands
dip into the pond
who lives there?
quarter champion
curious hands
dip into the pond
who lives there? |
half champion
curious hands
dip into the pond
who lives there? |
quarter champion
secret place—
we are hiding
in plain view |
frozen and forgotten
the children continue
to play their song
secret place—
we are hiding
in plain view
frozen and forgotten
the children continue
to play their song
Matthew Chmiel |
frozen bodies
capture a secret
a day in the park
Kersten Haile |
secret place—
we are hiding
in plain view
Brett Coffman |
garden fountain
stone children
watch life go by
Nicole Zabrinas |
half champion
curious hands
dip into the pond
who lives there?
curious hands
dip into the pond
who lives there?
half champion
squatting lad
'bout to get
a ball to his balls
seats near home plate
enjoying my hot dog
more than the game
Alyssa Thompson |
the crowd erupts . . .
juicy hot dog
falls to the ground
Daniel Fishel |
everyone stands
to catch the action
Nicole Zabrinas |
glaring sun—
in the stands
a ball hits me
Brett Coffman |
the crowd erupts . . .
juicy hot dog
falls to the ground
glaring sun—
in the stands
a ball hits me
quarter champion
glaring sun—
in the stands
a ball hits me |
half champion
squatting lad
'bout to get
a ball to his balls |
quarter champion
squatting lad
'bout to get
a ball to his balls |
squatting lad
'bout to get
a ball to his balls |
neon light and
ugly shoes . . .
still the perfect date
ten pins down
doing a victory dance
in my goofy shoes
Alyssa Thompson |
squatting lad
'bout to get
a ball to his balls
Gordon Gilmore |
only one pin . . .
she granny rolls
the ball
Michelle Dixson |
neon light and
ugly shoes . . .
still the perfect date
Lindsay Scully |