Haiku Matching Contest - Spring Break 1

(select your favorite for each pair and write it in the box below or above the pairs)
(then select favorites of those pairs, etc... until one is the top pick)

Global Haiku Traditions Spring 2008

we relax on
the family couch
spring break

the couch swallows
two sisters
movie marathon

spring break
my couch remembers
my comfort specifications

a recreation
of the "past"...
a five hour couch potato





top quarter champion



top half champion


bottom quarter champion





day two
of spring break…
still no shower

day three
i slept
right through

one day of sickness
two days of sickness
it never ends

CNN newsroom
same topic
new day


top half champion





bottom half champion


reading a book
not having to count
the number of pages

holed up
in my room with Faulkner—
Spring Break

looking at my books
spring break

doing homework
wait a minute
it's spring break






top quarter champion



bottom half champion


bottom quarter champion





thinking of beaches
in the cold spring rain
lonely spring break

free drinks
as we watch the show
VIRGIN margaritas

flipping cards...
the newest player

I start to be worried
as a staple gun is picked up
magic show

© 2008, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.