Camping Haibun
At an early age, I was quickly introduced to the outdoors. My family enjoyed sports, camping, hiking, biking, and boating. Basically, you name the outdoors activity and we liked to do it.
Furthermore, growing up in Wisconsin produced a close relationship with different types ofnature from all four seasons. Of these seasons summer became a particular favorite due to camping throughout Wisconsin. The family favorite camping site was two hours north of Green Bay called Boulder Junction. We reserved the samesmall red cabin for a week in July up until I was ten years old. Camping at Boulder Junction became a vital family tradition in my upbringing, placing importance with those memories.
The most vivid memories revolved around the old wooden dock in the backyard of the lake front cabin. We fished off the dock at breakfast, swam in the shallows during the day, and watched the sunset at night. The six supporting pillars were stained just above water level with passing waves. Several of the faded dock boards creaked slowly as I would approach the end of the pier. Although the creaking should have made mecautious, I had complete faith in the strength of the dock and would run along it carefree. Sitting at the end, I would run my hands along the age-smoothed wood, usually warm to the touch from the sun. The dock was covered with knick sand chipped wood as though they were the battle scars of the veteran pier. Sturdy and constant the dock served as a anchor for many of my childhood camping memories.
Wisconsin camping trips
lake splashing chaos
a family tradition