Holding Hands Matching Contest - 1 - Spring 2012 • Millikin University

old rivalry
at graduation
holding hands

Stefanie Davis

best friends
he finally tries
a goodnight kiss

Elise Scannell

he grips my hand
just to keep warm
so he says

Wanda June

lost mittens
your hands keep mine

Megan Vail

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best friends
he finally tries
a goodnight kiss

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he grips my hand
just to keep warm
so he says


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he grips my hand
just to keep warm
so he says

top quarter champion


TOP half Chamption

he grips my hand
just to keep warm
so he says


bottom quarter champion

he pulls me closer
with a soft touch
past curfew

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lover's quarrel
he whispers
"I love you more"

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he pulls me closer
with a soft touch
past curfew

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lover's quarrel
he whispers
"I love you more"

Elise Scannell

enough to fill a landfill
first broken heart

Katie McDaniel

January night alone
together we use the coldness
as an excuse

Kendall Harvey

he pulls me closer
with a soft touch
past curfew

Jessica Claussen


TOP half champion

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he grips my hand
just to keep warm
so he says




he grips my hand
just to keep warm
so he says



songs of his youth

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BOTTOM half champion

mom complains
about the new men
her love died in the war

Sendin Bajric

the last soldier
in the misty morning air
trying not to shake

Hailee Peck

closed blinds
enclose the house
an empty chair sways

Merissa Marx

big empty house
she buys herself roses
once a month

Courtney Gerk

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the last soldier
in the misty morning air
trying not to shake

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big empty house
she buys herself roses
once a month


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the last soldier
in the misty morning air
trying not to shake

top quarter champion


BOTTOM half champion

songs of his youth


bottom quarter champion

songs of his youth

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sparkling shoes
daddy daughter
date night

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songs of his youth

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father and daughter
floating in a canoe
the lake listens

Catherine Hixson

sparkling shoes
daddy daughter
date night

Courtney Gerk

plateful of cookies
papa's talking

Lexie Huston

songs of his youth

Eric Landgrebe

© 2012, Randy Brooks • Millikin University. All rights returned to authors upon publication.


Matched Pair Responses

old rivalry
at graduation
holding hands

best friends
he finally tries
a goodnight kiss

best friends
he finally tries
a goodnight kiss

he grips my hand
just to keep warm
so he says

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The haiku above are well matched in terms of the way they are written, the way they are read out loud, and the way they make me feel. They both bring back very personal memories that are both sad and sweet at the same time. The sadness comes from the waiting in both cases. In the first one, the friendship or even possibly the romance took four years of high school to come to the surface. In the second haiku, the word “finally” expresses the idea that the relationship between these two friends has been stuck in one spot for a long time. The haiku are also written similarly. The first two lines set the scene and show the length of time it took for these relationships to develop, there is a clear pause before the last line in each haiku, and they both have a similar rhythm. It was difficult for me to pick a favorite from these two because they are so similar, and they both bring back specific memories and feelings. Catherine

I think both of these haiku should have won! Both of them hold strong ties to occurrences in my life. I really like the first one because it has a sense of togetherness. At graduation, the fact that you are about to leave everything you have ever know really hits. I went to school with the same people my entire life. I knew every single one of the 95 in my graduating class. Sure, there were a few I didn’t like but at graduation I wanted to cling to everyone. They are familiar and graduation is about moving on. The second one is also very good. I picture kids who have gone to school together since they can remember. They always played together. Then around junior high, the boy starts having feeling for the girl. He doesn’t know if they are mutual, but he is in love. After spending the whole day together and telling himself he was going to kiss her today, he does. He was nervous and anxious all day about it. The rest is a mystery. I absolutely love these two haiku! Moli

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When we were doing the matching contest in class today, I had a really hard time deciding between these two. They both are such real moments in life. They are simple, but at the same time they cause so many feelings. That first kiss with someone new (especially someone you have known for a long time) is such a special moment. It is just a simple kiss, but at the same time, both people probably feeling so many things. Similarly, in the second haiku, the simple gesture of the boy grabbing her hand is so innocent and simple, but at the same time it means so much more. To me, it’s like he is being protective and caring. These two people are also still in that stage where they like each other, but they are afraid to say that they do yet. I just really like these haiku’s because they are so innocent and cute. Lindsey


he grips my hand
just to keep warm
so he says

he pulls me closer
with a soft touch
past curfew

mom complains
about the new men
her love died in the war

the last soldier
in the misty morning air
trying not to shake

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This pairing was very difficult for me to decide between because I feel like they have the same basic imagery, but they each bring the imagery to me in different manners. They both present me with the image of romance, a type of relationship that is going on. However, the first one, A, makes me think more about new relationships, maybe a relationship that is just beginning. I think in A, the boy is trying to make a move but being cautiously flirtatious. Maybe he has liked her as more than a friend for a while but now he has decided to act and is nervous because he doesn’t know if she feels the same way he does. I could picture this couple as just hanging out or as being on a first date. Either way, I feel the eagerness but also anxiety that both feel, wondering what will come of the situation. In B, I picture a couple who has been in a relationship for a bit now. They are comfortable together, and although they know the evening is ending and they have to go, they are disregarding the time. The only thing that matters is the feel of the soft touching at the places where their bodies meet, and neither one wants to let go of that yet. Hailee

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I really liked both of these haiku, and it was really difficult for me to choose between the two. They are similar in the fact that both talk about war and its effects on everyone involved. What I like most of all is how the haiku display the terror of war from both sides. In the first haiku, it is the mother and family who are affected by the loss of a father and a husband. The second haiku, however, shows war from the soldier’s perspective. He is alone, and dealing with things that no person should ever have to, and the two haiku together really make you think about the emotional strains of having a loved one in the service. Courtney Gallup

I really like this pair because they both encompass the brutality and sadness that revolves around war. They both involve the death of men who signed their life away through the honorable route of signing up for the armed forces. In the first one, the authors father had died at war, and in the second one, the author tells about one soldier who is surrounded by death as he fights to stay alive. Both of these haiku truly show how senseless and awful war can be. Conner

the last soldier
in the misty morning air
trying not to shake

songs of his youth

the last soldier
in the misty morning air
trying not to shake

closed blinds
enclose the house
an empty chair sways

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When it came time to choose between these two haiku, I had a really rough time because they really work so well together. The first haiku, in my opinion, could be a part of grandpa’s (in the second haiku) youth. The songs that grandpa is humming could be from the time that he was a soldier. I could see the soldier humming songs as he tries to calm himself and forget that he is alone. They work so well together that it was hard to choose between them because separating them gives them a whole different meaning. Elise

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I thought it was interesting how these two haiku matched up. They both are so very visual and make you as a reader come into the scenario. You can see the soldier hiding in the mist trying not to move so that the enemy cannot see him. You also can see this old house with the blinds down and a rocking chair creaking on the old floor. I think the subject matter is an interesting match. They both seem to convey loneliness, whether in a house or alone on a battlefield. It is just a very creepy feeling either way. Because of this, it was hard for me to decide for which one to move on. I eventually decided on the soldier haiku because of the sensual word choices. Adam

father and daughter
floating in a canoe
the lake listens

sparkling shoes
daddy daughter
date night

Lover’s quarrel
He whispers
“I love you more”

Enough to fill a landfill
First broken heart

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These two haiku were my favorite pair of haiku from the contest. They were my favorite pair because I absolutely adore my father, and I love thinking about the times when it was just me and him, hanging out. It was definitely difficult to pick between these two haiku because of the meaning each held for me. My grandfather built a lake at our family farm soon after my grandmother died. My dad and I would always take a boat out onto the lake to fish, explore the lake, to talk, or just to sightsee around the enormous lake. The lake always glistened beneath us as we made some of my favorite memories between my dad and I. With the second haiku, this reminded me when I was little and my mom would work late, my dad would take me out for dinner. I’d always put on the cutest of dresses and shoes, and a little makeup to look good to go out with my beloved daddy. It was so hard to pick between because both struck a good memory in my mind with my wonderful dad whom I love so much. Katie

I took both of these haiku very differently. The first, rather than a peaceful moment, the picture in my head was rather morbid. I imagined a situation where the father had murdered his daughter. It was an accident, he was drunk and he didn’t intend to kill her. He took his daughter’s body out to the lake where their family spends the summers. It was early, still almost dark before anyone was awake. He pours his daughter’s body into the lake, hoping that she would never be discovered and his secret would stay safe. The lake acts as the only witness to the situation, the only witness to know what really happened. The canoe just floats silently on the water while the father sits and thinks about his current situation. The second was much happier. Here, the daughter is spending her one night a week with her father. Daddy always tries to make it special, since they only have that one night granted from the divorce settlement. They both get gussied up. The father sees his ex-wife, whom he is still very much in love with, in his daughter. They’re going to a dance, just like he used to do with his wife. The love for his daughter and the love for her father shine incredibly in their eyes. I liked both of these equally, even despite the differences in imagined subject matter. They both have those moments when the father realizes just how much he loves his daughter: in the first, it’s when he realizes what he’s actually done, and the second when he sees what a beautiful woman his daughter is slowly becoming. It’s those little moments when you realize how happy something made you and the rest of the world just stops to hold its breath. Both of these haiku were special to me simply because of the moments they highlighted. Lexie

I really loved both of these haiku because they both have to do with a very special and strong relationship. But they are both about different stages of this relationship. The father and daughter haiku makes me think that the daughter is older, perhaps this is their last summer together before she goes off to college. They spend their last summer together canoeing on a lake and instead of getting caught up in actually canoeing they spend the privacy on the lake to just be in each other’s company. This emotion is so personal with so little action, there isn’t that much going on or being said but it’s in the silence that the true meaning is felt. The sparkling shoes is clearly about a father and his little girl going out for a fun night together and since it’s such a “special occasion” she gets to wear her special sparkly shoes. It’s such a cute scene and that’s what makes it special because it reminds us all about how cute we were with our daddy’s before we grew up. This was definitely a hard decision to choose between these two haiku but it comes down to each reader’s personal opinion on which memory they value or enjoy more. It does not come down to which haiku is better but which memory the reader likes more. Stef

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I found it difficult to choose between these two haiku. At first glance, they both seem to convey a sense of sadness. But after reading the first haiku another time, it is clear that it is not about a sad subject. The lover’s “quarrel” is not really a fight, but just a couple playfully arguing about who is more in love. The second haiku conveys almost the complete opposite feeling. It is the feeling that comes after one loses the feeling of being completely in love. The way I see it is that they are connected in this way: the feeling conveyed by the first haiku must precede the feeling conveyed by the second haiku. Kendall

he grips my hand
just to keep warm
so he says

lost mittens
your hands keep mine



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I thought these were hard to choose between.  I really liked the one on top because it describes that big move when you are first talking to a girl and after a couple weeks, you finally go to give her that signal that you like her by holding her hand.  I liked the second one because it describes the connection between a couple, describing how they depend on each other and help each other out with their lives; even though it is such a small dilWanda (cold hands), she still uses her boyfriend/husband to depend on.  I finally chose the one on top because I did not like the word arrangement for the second and third lines for the second haiku.  I feel the haiku would flow better if it read "lost mittens/ your hands/ keep mine warm".  I feel that "your hands" should have its own line.  It simply emphasizes the connection between the two better. Sendin

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