Global Haiku • Spring 2013
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Charlie Decker

Fountain Spit

Charlie Decker

catch her bubble
on my wand
summer breeze

In Fountain Spit, I try to capture and vocalize the small moments that are often overlooked. Often, in the noise and the fuss of everyday life, it is easy to get caught up and glaze over the little serendipitous or interesting events that could act as happy jimmies on the metaphorical sundaes that are our lives. Hopefully, in reading my haiku, you will take away an extra little perspective that you hadn’t thought of before. If this is the case, let me know, and I will feel good and probably give you a high five and ramble for a while.

Reader Response:

by Sarah Mann
May 8th, 2013

Overall, I enjoyed the simpleness of these poems. Some were quite thought-provoking and, in a small way, made the reader reminisce on little moments, bittersweet or sprightly, which I suppose was the point of this collection. *high fives. They were clever as well as intriguing, and covered a wide variety of life's trivialities. My favorite was: sad

frantically blowing
marshmallow plops in
scout camp

farmer’s market robbery
hostages shouting
lettuce leaf

because it involved a pun, which amuses me. The arrangement of the pieces seemed to add to each one. It created a tiny setting in the reader's mind before the focal point of the haiku rolled around. Others of them made me laugh, sigh or cringe.

full of leaves
no face—just arms

outdoor hot tub
snowflakes melting
before reaching the water

shared restroom
aim my stream
at the dried vomit

free refills
the soda fountain
spits on my hand

fourth try, the car starts
she decides
to have a good day

the divorce . . .
an icicle
finally drops from the

she cusses at her child
aisle seven

Easter Sunday
the passed-out
altar girl

peace be with you
I avoid
his missing finger

close inspection
he leaves the pimple
as it lies

frantically blowing
marshmallow plops in
scout camp

farmer’s market robbery
hostages shouting
lettuce leaf

wavering wind
noseblood frisbee|
settles in the grass


catch her bubble
     on my wand
     summer breeze

© 2013, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.