Unsettled Dust
Jonathan Robertson
Life is short. We know that our life on this earth is limited by time, and thus we cannot afford to waste it. I used this idea of the brevity of life when I chose my title, "Unsettled Dust". Just as we cannot control the passing of time, we also have no control of the collection of dust; however, we do have control of if the dust settles. "Unsettled Dust" simply means that no matter how much dust is collecting, or time has passed, we will simply brush it off and live life to the fullest.
The haiku I chose to include in this collection are what I believe to be my best. My approach to haiku usually was to separate myself from distractions and simply focus on my surroundings. Throughout the semester I learned that I formulated my best haiku when I used my initial thoughts and reactions to inspire the poem. Biography My name is Jonathan Robertson, and I am a sophomore Physics major at Millikin University. I have learned how to write and enjoy the art of haiku while being enrolled in Randy Brook's Global Haiku Course. |