Global Haiku • Spring 2013
Dr. Randy Brooks

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Matt Swofford

When There Becomes Here

Matt Swofford

When There Becomes Here is a collection of haiku revolving around the ups and downs of life, truths of the world, individual realizations, and the pursuit of happiness. The road to happiness is rough and requires discipline, dedication, and persistence. This collection was influenced by my own revelations, experiences, and memories, in hope that I might depart some of my knowledge and wisdom unto you. I also hope that questions I have pondered for years now may cause you to think critically about the reality we exist in, and may aid you in your journey through life.

I reach into the box
the last Caprisun
no straw

one path to the left
one path to the right
I step into the brush between

bright welcoming lights
white noise
a field of daisies

in the toddler's room
he shows me what he made

out to play
the streetlights come on
back inside

to be a star
in the dark night sky
all eventually fade

water through the hole
ever-flowing down the way
carving up the earth

have faith
I'll make it
to the other side

my valentine
this girl
I've never talked to

I wear the coat
but the memory
does not wear

in just one day
I have all the time in the world
to do everything

lost in the woods
I'm finding myself

when there
becomes here
life-long happiness

© 2013, Randy Brooks • Millikin University
All rights returned to authors upon publication.