Global Haiku Tradition • Kasen-Renga • Spring 2015


Triumphs of Heartbreak

April 26, 2015


Alex Cardascio and Brandon Januska

Triumphs of Heartbreak

riding along
I look over
At the empty seat


I make a wish
to the stars above


that things
had never changed


laying in bed
I can't seem to fall asleep


Staring up
Out the window
At the moon


I hear buzzing
coming from my phone

gust of wind
whispers to me
my future


across the street
I see her


clouds rush in
rain hits my windshield
like never before


headlights appear
at the last moment


the ditch braces our fall
I get out of the car
to make sure everyone's okay


covered with blood
we assessed the damage


at the hospital
the only light
is the moon


we brace ourselves
as the bad news arrives


I call everyone
letting them know
mom might not make it


the waiting room
suddenly becomes silent


during the funeral
we are surrounded by
cherry blossoms


embracing family members
we leave the cemetery


in the car
my brother asks
when mom will wake up


no one replies
the question left untouched


trying to move on
without her
seems impossible


three years later
I find my first love


everything in life
appears to be perfect


until she leaves me
at the alter


summer afternoon
we go fishing
in silence


a tug on the line
I caught something


I pull it out
of the water
it's just a boot


after a long day
we head back empty handed


my father tells me
this has been his best day
since mom died


that night
we look out at the stars


standing next to him
I hear my father
begin to pray


I never knew
he believed in God


attending church
for the first time
we don't know when to stand


the pastor's sermon
lasts 30 minutes


outside the church
cherry blossoms
fall around us


it reminds me
of mom


• • •


© 2015, Randy Brooks • Millikin University • last updated: April 28, 2015
All rights returned to authors upon publication.