Kuro Matching Contest - 4 - Fall 2016 • Millikin University

a bird
feathers and all
ingrained in asphalt

pitter patter
the spring rain
brings me down

another day
another dollar

touching the seams
realizing it was all
for nothing

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top quarter champion


TOP half Chamption


bottom quarter champion

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missing him
like I miss the dog
I never got to have

the wind
never here
to begin with

again today
he smiles at her
the invisible man

that I am a handful
no one wants


TOP half champion

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BOTTOM half champion

sitting across from her
the sound of silence
never louder

alone . . .
Mom smiles
as we leave her side

mom's text
I'm too busy to talk

ignoring texts
she doesn't get
her hopes up     again.

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top quarter champion


BOTTOM half champion


bottom quarter champion

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each insignificant
blade of grass
sways every direction

gusts of wind
blowing each way
my mind

silent stethescope
he pulls the plug
for the first time

cemetery stroll
looking for your name
on their tombstone

© 2016, Randy Brooks • Millikin University. All rights returned to authors upon publication.