Toadstools Return & Grandpa's Cabin
Tyler Trzcinski
When writing haiku I take inspiration from many things. Two of the major things that influence my work are nature and people. The way I have set up my booklet allows for two smaller books in one.
My first side is titled toadstools return, this side focuses on nature. The haiku that are included in this portion of the book are based on events I have experienced and places I have been in the outdoors.
The other portion of the book is titled grandpa's cabin, this side of the booklet focuses on people. The people that I write about in my haiku are usually my close friends or family members. The people haiku I write cover a large range of feeling and emotion, from complete bliss to absolute heartbreak.
The art of haiku is something that is new to me but through much invested time, it has become something that I find to be very therapeutic as a means of expression.
Tyler Trzcinski
About the Author:
Tyler Trzcinski is a sophomore biology major. His haiku cycle through very diverse subject matter, although they tend to be oriented around the outdoors, wildlife, and family. His simplicity of language allows any reader's comprehension, while providing enough depth exists to invoke unique emotion, reader to reader. |